French Sorrel
this Herb has a lemony taste and used in salads, sauces, egg and fish dishes…From
CCMGATXnewsletterJun/Jul2017: the “Featured herb of the month is one you might not have heard of. It is a beautiful plant with green leaves with red venation. French Sorrel ‘Raspberry Dressing’ (Rumex sanguineus) is a hardy perennial with a lemon or raspberry vinaigrette flavor. This perennial survived our weather conditions in each quadrant of the research garden. This culinary herb can be grown in the garden, containers or among ornamentals for its striking leaf contrast. Growth habit is similar to that of spinach with a height of 6 to 12”. The herb is compact and tolerant of pests, cold, heat, wet and dry weather. It can be harvested year round. Fresh leaves add a delicious lemony taste to salads and can be used to flavor sauces or egg and fish dishes.” References:
The Herb Society of America’s Essential Guide to Growing and Cooking with Herbs
Southern Herb Growing by Hill & Barclay with Hardy
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